Chaco's Puffy Clouds

Chaco’s Puffy Clouds

Medium: Digital Photography
Location: Chaco Canyon, New Mexico  (click image to see full frame)

Purchase this image as an archival pigment print in The Shop.

About the artwork;

Chacoan people did not suddenly vanish! Though we are not exactly sure why they left, possibilities might include drought, resource depletion, social, religious, or political collapse, time to move on, or a combination of these factors. In the 13th century, there were migrations to the south, east, and west. Today, twenty Puebloan groups in New Mexico, as well as the Hopi in Arizona, claim Chaco as their ancestral homeland and are tied to this place through oral traditions and clan lineages. A number of Navajo clans are also affiliated with Chacoan sites through their traditional stories.

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