FLAG Dimensions (inside): Approximately 13″ wide, 15″ deep and 13″ high. Choose the size of your artwork accordingly. No art is too small for this gallery, I personally LOVE tiny works of art. The suggested largest size is approx. 8″ x 10″ or 100 square inches.
Displays: There will be tiny easels and pedestals available, but feel free to bring your own if you wish.
“Rules”: As this is a public space, please be respectful with your choice of art content. Also, kindly refrain from taking the gallery’s furniture, fixtures and little patrons. Thank you!
Background: The Giving Circle is inspired by Seattle Artist Stacy Milrany who master minded the FLAG concept in the depths of COVID. I read about her brilliant idea in the Durango Herald this past March 2o21 and instantly knew I wanted to be a part of something that pulls people together through creative pursuits. Thank you Stacy for your generosity in encouraging others to join the new movement of FLAGS across the world!
Thankyou to my husband, Mike Dietzman, who built FLAG_Durango as a special October birthday gift for me this year. Now I get to share my gift with you!